Have you ever wondered what your purpose is in this life? I have! It seems as I get older that what I once believed was my sole purpose has suddenly changed. It seems as if this is a recurring theme with me. Almost as if I were a revolving door. I believe this is much of how life treats us. Whether you believe in God, a god, or no god - purpose is what seems to drive us as people. If we have no purpose we lack desire, ambition and motivation for this life. The real trick is determining your purpose and understanding and accepting the fact that it will change throughout various stages of your life.
Are you in that stage where providing for the children you have feels like your main focus? Think about this. We graduate from high school and in most cases start college but somewhere in the middle decide we are ready to settle down and start a family. We fail to follow our commitment to getting our education and decide to roll with our new found purpose - to settle down and marry and raise children. Once we commit to that it becomes our primary purpose in life. So many people jump into this so quickly and feel trapped. I believe this contributes to so many of today's divorces and ultimately to the broken families that fill America. I would caution young people to live their lives, truly know who they are and what their long term desire and goals are. Stick to whatever those are and don't sway from them. The point in all of this is that our descisions directly reflects what our purpose will become. Amazingly, I am just realizing this in my mid-thirties. I have no regrets and love the family and children I have been given. My revised purpose is rewarding and keeps me excited about life. I feel pride in my purpose today. Understanding what I do today I may have done it slightly differently but remain firm on the fact that I am very happy with where I have arrived in this life. I guess the point that I am making is that our purpose follows our life decisions and at the end of the day we have ultimate responsibility for where we are in this life. I am betting you thought this was going to be a "feel good" article that removes you from the responsibility of where your life is, today or where it is headed. Sorry! the cold, hard truth is that you are what you are! You are where you are and you are who you surround yourself with. MAKE DECISIONS THROUGHOUT YOUR LIFE THAT ALIGN YOU WITH WHAT YOU WANT YOUR PURPOSE TO BE.No matter where you are in life the decisions you are faced with and the decisions you make all lead to your future and purpose. You hold the keys and are responsible for where you are, where you are headed and where you end up in this life. Anything outside of that would just be excuses to absolve yourself from responsibility. One last thing to remember.
"Sow a thought - reap an action, sow an action - reap a decision, sow a decision - reap a lifestyle, sow a lifestyle - reap YOUR destiny"!
Awesome post